Bringing together those with an interest in grass and forage production and utilisation

European Grassland Federation Symposium 2025

EGF 2025 – Multi-species swards

Welcome to the EGF Symposium 2025 website. 

The information you need for the EGF Symposium 2025 on Multi-Species Swards can be accessed by clicking on the links below.

Scientific Information: Includes details of the conference committees, themes, programme, and guidelines for authors and presentations.

General Information: Includes details of the mid- and post-symposium tours, the accompanying delegate programme and the symposium dinner

Venue: Information about the University of Reading

Travel information: Details of how to get to the venue and accommodation options

Partners: How to get involved with EGF 2025 as a sponsor

Contact: Contact details for enquiries about the EGF 2025 Symposium

Scientific Information

General Information


Travel information

Partners and sponsors


EGF 2025 Partners and Sponsors