Local Societies
West Midlands
Regional Council member: Francis Dunne
Email: j.francis.dunne@gmail.com Tel: 07496 662670
Name of society: Herefordshire Grassland Society
Number of members: 120
Meetings and activities: The society meets at 7.30 pm on the second Tuesday of the month, from November to March. Meetings take place at Hereford Livestock Centre, Roman Road, Hereford, HR4 7AN. The society also holds a Silage Competition in January, a Grassland Manager of the Year competition in May-June, and a Summer Farm Walk and BBQ.
Contact: Malcolm Lewis. Email: malcolmlewis10@btconnect.com
Name of society: Shropshire Grassland Society
Number of members: 100
Meetings and activities: Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month from October to April, with a variety of speakers. The meetings are held at The Brooklands Hotel, Shrewsbury SY3 9JT. Farm walks are held in May to July and there is a Chairman’s BBQ in July. Summer tours taking in 3-4 farms over 2-3 days are organised on an ad hoc basis.
Contact: Joe Wheeler. Email: Joewheeler@glw-feeds.co.uk
Shropshire Stargrazers
Name of society: Worcestershire Grassland Society
Contact: Thom Washbourne. Email: thomwashbourne@hotmail.com